Proteins & Proteomes Structural Biology Database SWISS-MODEL Repository Protein structure homology models
Proteins & Proteomes Medicinal chemistry , Structural analysis Software tool SwissTargetPrediction Target prediction for bioactive small molecules
Proteins & Proteomes Medicinal chemistry , Structural analysis Database SwissBioIsostere Database of molecular replacements for ligand design
Genomics , Transcriptomics Evolution biology Software tool BUSCO From QC to gene prediction and phylogenomics
Proteins & Proteomes Software tool ProtScale Profile produced by amino acids scales on protein sequences
Proteins & Proteomes Software tool Myristoylator N-terminal myristoylation of proteins by neural networks
Proteins & Proteomes Glycomics Software tool GlycoMod Possible oligosaccharide structures on proteins from masses
Proteins & Proteomes Software tool Compute pI/MW Isoelectric point and molecular weight from protein sequence
Proteins & Proteomes Software tool UniProt BLAST BLAST sequence similarity search on the UniProt web site
Proteins & Proteomes Structural Biology , Structural analysis Software tool SWISS-MODEL Workspace Fully automated protein structure homology-modeling server
Genes & Genomes Evolution & Phylogeny Database Software tool SwissOrthology One-stop shop for orthologs
Transcriptomics Evolution biology Database Bgee SPARQL endpoint SPARQL access to the Bgee gene expression database
Evolution & Phylogeny Database OrthoDB SPARQL endpoint SPARQL access to the OrthoDB catalog of orthologs
Proteins & Proteomes Lipidomics Database SwissLipids SPARQL endpoint SPARQL access to the SwissLipids knowledgebase