Systems Biology Genes & Genomes , Genomics Database Software tool Progenetix Genomic profiles of cancer samples with focus on CNV
Genomics Systems Biology Database Software tool arrayMAP Curated array data repository for cancer genomics
Genomics , Genes & Genomes Systems Biology Database Software tool iPtgxDBs Platform for integrated proteogenomics databases
Systems Biology Transcriptomics , Genomics Software tool CRUNCH Automated pipeline for ChIP-seq data analysis
Genomics , Transcriptomics Systems Biology Software tool ISMARA Webservice for gene expression and epigenetic data analysis
Genes & Genomes , Genomics , Transcriptomics Evolution & Phylogeny Systems Biology Database Software tool SwissRegulon Portal Tools and data for regulatory genomics
Evolution & Phylogeny Software tool OrthoLoger Accurate and scalable inference of groups of orthologs
Metagenomics , Genomics , Genes & Genomes Software tool mVIRs Prediction tool for inducible, bacteria-infecting viruses