Population genetics Software tool Arlequin An integrated software for population genetics data analysis
Genes & Genomes , Genomics Systems Biology Database Software tool Progenetix Genomic profiles of cancer samples with focus on CNV
Genomics Systems Biology Database Software tool arrayMAP Curated array data repository for cancer genomics
Metagenomics Population genetics Database Software tool mOTUs Microbial taxonomic and population genomic profiler
Genomics , Transcriptomics Evolution biology Software tool BUSCO From QC to gene prediction and phylogenomics
Genomics , Transcriptomics Systems Biology Software tool ISMARA Webservice for gene expression and epigenetic data analysis
Genomics Population genetics Software tool V-pipe SARS-CoV-2 V-pipe pipeline for SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data
Genes & Genomes , Genomics , Metagenomics Software tool mVIRs Prediction tool for inducible, bacteria-infecting viruses
Genomics Evolution & Phylogeny Software tool Nextclade Clade assignment, mutation calling & QC for virus sequences