Genes & Genomes Proteins & Proteomes Structural Biology Database ViralZone Fact sheets about viruses linked to sequence databases
Text mining & Machine learning Software tool Computational Linguistics for COVID-19 Central hub in computational linguistics for COVID-19
Genomics Population genetics Software tool V-pipe SARS-CoV-2 V-pipe pipeline for SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data
Text mining & Machine learning Software tool COVTriage Rank the COVID-19 literature according to COVoc ontology
Genes & Genomes Database Software tool SPSP | Swiss Pathogen Surveillance Platform Public Swiss pathogen NGS data
Genomics Evolution & Phylogeny Software tool Nextclade Clade assignment, mutation calling & QC for virus sequences
Genes & Genomes Evolution biology Software tool BEAST2 Bayesian evolutionary analysis by sampling trees
Evolution & Phylogeny Database OrthoDB SPARQL endpoint SPARQL access to the OrthoDB catalog of orthologs
Genomics Evolution biology Software tool Nextstrain Impact of pathogen genome data on science and public health
Genomics , Transcriptomics Evolution biology Software tool BUSCO From QC to gene prediction and phylogenomics
Evolution & Phylogeny Software tool OrthoLoger Accurate and scalable inference of groups of orthologs
Genes & Genomes , Genomics , Metagenomics Software tool mVIRs Prediction tool for inducible, bacteria-infecting viruses