Gammainfluenzavirus (taxid:197913)



Enveloped. Usually rounded but can be filamentous. The virions are 80-120 nm in diameter.



segmented ssRNA(-) linear genome, encapsidated by nucleoprotein (NP) Contains 7 segments coding for 9 proteins. Segments size range from 0.9 to 2.3 kb. Genome total size is about 10 Kb


Viral RNA polymerase (PB1, PB2 and PA) transcribes one mRNA from each genome segment. Transcription is primed by cap snatching. mRNA are polyadenylated by the viral polymerase stuttering on a poly U track. NS mRNA can be alternatively spliced, giving rise to mRNA coding for NEP proteins. Polyprotein p42 is cleaved in M1 and CM2 proteins.




  1. Virus attaches to sialic acid receptor though HEF protein and is endocytosed by clathrins in the host cell.
  2. endosome acidification induces fusion of virus membrane with the vesicle membrane; encapsidated RNA segments migrate to the nucleus.
  3. Transcription of genomic segments by the viral polymerase produces mRNAs that are capped and polyadenylated by the viral polymerase.
  4. Replication of genomic segments.
  5. High level of M1 protein induces genomes segments export from nucleus by NEP protein.
  6. Virus assembly and budding occurs at the plasma membrane.

Host-virus interaction

Innate immune response inhibition

Influenza C virus inhibits the cascade leading to production of interferon-beta by targeting host RIG-I activation through NS1 protein.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

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31 entries grouped by strain

8 entries

Influenza C virus (strain C/Ann Arbor/1/1950) reference strain

MAT_INCAA Polyprotein p42 [Cleaved into: Protein M1' (CM1') (p31); Protein CM2]
HEMA_INCAA Hemagglutinin-esterase-fusion glycoprotein (HEF) (EC [Cleaved into: ...
NS1_INCAA Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
PA_INCAA Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
NEP_INCAA Nuclear export protein (NEP) (Non-structural protein 2) (NS2)
NCAP_INCAA Nucleoprotein (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)
RDRP_INCAA RNA-directed RNA polymerase catalytic subunit (EC (Polymerase basic protein 1) (PB1) ...
PB2_INCAA Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

5 entries

Influenza C virus (strain C/California/1978)

HEMA_INCCA Hemagglutinin-esterase-fusion glycoprotein (HEF) (EC [Cleaved into: ...
MAT_INCCA Polyprotein p42 [Cleaved into: Protein M1' (CM1') (p31); Protein CM2]
NCAP_INCCA Nucleoprotein (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)
NEP_INCCA Nuclear export protein (NEP) (Non-structural protein 2) (NS2)
NS1_INCCA Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)

5 entries

Influenza C virus (strain C/Johannesburg/1/1966)

HEMA_INCJH Hemagglutinin-esterase-fusion glycoprotein (HEF) (EC [Cleaved into: ...
PA_INCJH Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PB2_INCJH Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
RDRP_INCJH RNA-directed RNA polymerase catalytic subunit (EC (Polymerase basic protein 1) (PB1) ...
NCAP_INCJH Nucleoprotein (Nucleocapsid protein) (Protein N)

4 entries

Influenza C virus (strain C/JJ/1950)

MAT_INCJJ Polyprotein p42 [Cleaved into: Protein M1' (CM1') (p31); Protein CM2]
PA_INCJJ Polymerase acidic protein (EC 3.1.-.-) (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P2)
PB2_INCJJ Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)
RDRP_INCJJ RNA-directed RNA polymerase catalytic subunit (EC (Polymerase basic protein 1) (PB1) ...

3 entries

Influenza C virus (strain C/Hyogo/1/1983)

MAT_INCHY Polyprotein p42 [Cleaved into: Protein M1' (CM1') (p31); Protein CM2]
NS1_INCHY Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
NEP_INCHY Nuclear export protein (NEP) (Non-structural protein 2) (NS2)

2 entries

Influenza C virus (strain C/Yamagata/1964)

NS1_INCY6 Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) (NS1A)
NEP_INCY6 Nuclear export protein (NEP) (Non-structural protein 2) (NS2)

1 entry

Influenza C virus (strain C/Berlin/1/1985)

PB2_INCBE Polymerase basic protein 2 (RNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P3)

1 entry

Influenza C virus (strain C/Nara/2/1985)

HEMA_INCNB Hemagglutinin-esterase-fusion glycoprotein (HEF) (EC [Cleaved into: ...

1 entry

Influenza C virus (strain C/Taylor/1233/1947)

MAT_INCTA Polyprotein p42 [Cleaved into: Protein M1' (CM1') (p31); Protein CM2]

1 entry

Influenza C virus (strain C/Yamagata/4/1988)

HEMA_INCYB Hemagglutinin-esterase-fusion glycoprotein (HEF) (EC [Cleaved into: ...