Protoparvovirus (taxid:1506574)



Non-enveloped, round, T=1 icosahedral symmetry, 18-26 nm in diameter. The capsid consists of 60 copies of CP protein.



Linear, ssDNA genome of about 4 to 6 kb in size. Both positive and negative strands are encapsidated, although the percentage of particles encapsidating the positive strand can be lower depending on the host cell. MVM packages predominantly negative-sense single strands, while LuIII encapsidates strands of both polarities with equal efficiency. ORFs for both the structural and non-structural proteins are located on the same DNA strand.
The genome is replicated through rolling-hairpin mechanism.


Host proteins transcribe the genomes into mRNAs. Alternative splicing allows expression of both structural and non-structural proteins.




  1. Attachement to host receptors initiates clathrin-mediated endocytosis of the virion into the host cell.
  2. The virion penetrates into the cytoplasm via permeabilization of host endosomal membrane.
  3. Microtubular transport of the virion toward the nucleus.
  4. The viral ssDNA genome penetrates into the nucleus.
  5. The ssDNA is converted into dsDNA by cellular proteins.
  6. dsDNA transcription gives rise to viral mRNAs when host cell enters S phase and translated to produce viral proteins.
  7. Replication occurs through rolling-hairpin mechanism, with NS1 endonuclease binding covalently to the 5' genomic end.
  8. Individual ssDNA genomes are excised from replication concatemers by a process called junction resolution.
  9. These newly synthesized ssDNA can either
    a) be converted to dsDNA and serve as a template for transcription/replication
    b) be encapsidated to form new virions that are released by cell lysis.

Host-virus interaction

Apoptosis modulation

Parvovirus infection induces host cell death in cancerous cells. Apoptosis is the major form of cell death. However, necrosis has also been reported during infection of the minute virus of mice and parvovirus H-1 .
H-1PV NS1 protein expression induces apoptosis via caspases activation and DNA damage signaling. Depending on cell type and growth conditions, H-1PV is able to induce apoptosis, necrosis, or cathepsin B-dependent cell death.

Cell-cycle modulation

H-1PV NS1 protein induces G2/M checkpoint arrest.

Matching UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries

(all links/actions below point to website)

25 entries grouped by strain

3 entries

Murine minute virus (strain MVM prototype) (MVM) (Murine minute virus (strain MVM(p))) reference strain

NS1_MUMIP Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...
CAPSD_MUMIP Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)
NS2_MUMIP Non-structural protein NS2

2 entries

Canine parvovirus type 2 (isolate Dog/United States/CPV-N/1978) (CPV-2)

NS1_PAVCN Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...
CAPSD_PAVCN Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

2 entries

Feline panleukopenia virus (strain 193) (FPV)

NS1_FPV19 Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...
CAPSD_FPV19 Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

2 entries

Hamster parvovirus H1

NS1_PAVHH Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...
CAPSD_PAVHH Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

2 entries

Mink enteritis virus (strain Abashiri) (MEV)

NS1_MEVA Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...
CAPSD_MEVA Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1) [Cleaved into: Capsid protein VP2 (Coat protein VP2)]

2 entries

Murine minute virus (strain MVMi) (MVM) (Murine parvovirus)

NS1_MUMIM Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...
CAPSD_MUMIM Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

2 entries

Parvovirus LuIII

NS1_PAVL3 Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...
CAPSD_PAVL3 Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

2 entries

Porcine parvovirus (strain Kresse) (PPV)

NS1_PAVPK Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...
CAPSD_PAVPK Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

2 entries

Porcine parvovirus (strain NADL-2) (PPV)

NS1_PAVPN Initiator protein NS1 (NS1) (EC 3.1.21.-) (EC (NCVP1) (Non-capsid protein NS-1) ...
CAPSD_PAVPN Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2)

CAPSD_PAVC Capsid protein VP2 (Coat protein VP2)

1 entry

Canine parvovirus type 2 (isolate Dog/United States/CPV-b/1978) (CPV-2)

CAPSD_PAVCB Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Canine parvovirus type 2 (strain Dog/United States/780929/-) (CPV-2)

CAPSD_PAVC7 Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Canine parvovirustype 2 (isolate Dog/United States/CPV-d/1988) (CPV-2)

CAPSD_PAVCD Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV)

CAPSD_FPV Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)

1 entry

Porcine parvovirus (strain 90HS) (PPV)

CAPSD_PAVP9 Capsid protein VP1 (Coat protein VP1)